Wires and connections

Monday, September 5, 2011

Older convertion and Never Convertion
Older electrical schematics showed connecting wires crossing, while non-connecting wires ”jumped”
over each other with little half-circle marks. Newer electrical schematics show connecting
wires joining with a dot, while non-connecting wires cross with no dot. However, some people
still use the older convention of connecting wires crossing with no dot, which may create
For this reason, I opt to use a hybrid convention, with connecting wires unambiguously
connected by a dot, and non-connecting wires unambiguously ”jumping” over one another with
a half-circle mark. While this may be frowned upon by some, it leaves no room for interpretational
error: in each case, the intent is clear and unmistakable:

Convention used in this book


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